Wednesday, December 4, 2013

25 Tips for Naturally Cleaning With Vinegar

I have changed my cleaning habits over the last 2 years to avoid harsh chemicals.  One thing I have learned is that vinegar is a wonderful natural cleaner.  Heinz has a new cleaning vinegar product that I am really excited about.  It initiated a reminder that I have never given any tips on this blog for natural cleaning with vinegar.  So I made y'all a list of my top 25 tips for naturally cleaning with vinegar.

Before we get started, some background information.  White distilled vinegar is a natural bacteria and germ killer just due to the acidity.  It is environmentally friendly and very economical.  The new Heinz Cleaning Vinegar can be found at a local store near by and/or any Wal-Mart.

Heinz cleaning vinegar is 6% acidic where as regular vinegar is only 5% acidic.  This makes it even BETTER for cleaning then the regular white distilled vinegar products. 

Now onto my top 25 tips for green cleaning with vinegar.
  1. Counter tops - clean with a rag and vinegar.
  2. Drain or garbage disposal - pour in 1 cup baking soda then one cup hot vinegar. Let sit for 5 minutes.  Run hot water down the drain.  (Note: some garbage disposals do not react well to this cleaning method check all manufacturer instructions first.)
  3. Microwave -  mixing equal parts vinegar and water in a microwave-safe bowl. Bring it to a boil inside themicrowave. Wipe clean.
  4. Refrigerator - clean with a half-and-half solution of water and vinegar.
  5. Dishwasher -  pour a cup of vinegar inside an empty machine and run through cycle.
  6. Plastic food containers -  wipe them with a cloth dampened with vinegar to remove stains and smells.
  7. Lunch Box - place inside a slice of bread that has been soaked in vinegar and leave overnight to remove odors.
  8. Glass - remove film from the inside by letting vinegar sit in them for a few hours. Add a little rice or sand and shake vigorously to loosen stubborn stains. Repeat if necessary.
  9. Mini Blinds -  Dip gloved fingers into a solution of equal parts vinegar and warm tap water.  Run your fingers across both sides of each blind.
  10. Tarnished Metal -  make a paste with equal amounts of vinegar and table salt.
  11. Grease - use a sponge soaked in  vinegar.
  12. Grill - spray a solution of half water and half vinegar on the cooking surface.
  13. Sponges - placing in just enough water to cover them. Then add 1/4 cup vinegar. Let soak overnight.
  14. Grout - let full-strength vinegar sit on it for a few minutes and scrub it with an old toothbrush.
  15. Germs - spray with full-strength vinegar. Wipe clean with a damp cloth.
  16. Mildew and soap scum - wipe with undiluted vinegar then rinse.
  17. Toilets - pour in a cup or more of vinegar and let it sit several hours or overnight. Scrub well with the toilet brush and flush.
  18. Stale odors -  wiping down with undiluted vinegar on a rag.
  19. Wood - remove water rings with a solution of equal parts vinegar and vegetable oil. Rub with the grain.
  20. Scissors - clean off sticky residue with a cloth dipped in vinegar.
  21. Odors - place a bowl of vinegar in the room overnight.
  22. Hands - Wipe your hands with vinegar to remove strong scents like onion and garlic, as well as stains from fruit juices.
  23. Cutting boards - wipe wooden boards with vinegar.
  24. Dusting - use spray bottle filled with half vinegar, half water and lightly spray a rag to dust all surfaces.
  25. Mildew - spray shower walls and shower curtain with half vinegar and half water to help prevent mildew.
A few precautions when working with vinegar:
  • Do not add vinegar directly to materials containing ammonia as this could produce harmful vapors.
  • Never use white distilled vinegar on marble. The acid can damage the surface.
As always please test your surfaces in an inconspicuous area before cleaning.  As a little demonstration, I decided to show y'all the power of vinegar in my kitchen.  I have tile counter tops that I hate but that I have to live with

The grout gets disgusting.  This is keeping it real y'all

I soaked the area in vinegar and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes.  I then wiped off the area and scrubbed on the grout lines a little with a scrub sponge.

Oh so much better!  Now they actually look like you would want to prepare food here!

I hope that helps y'all to see just what vinegar can do for you -- naturally!  No need to worry about harsh chemicals when you clean with all natural vinegar. 


  1. can you use white vinegar on granite?

  2. I've been using vinegar for cleaning for years. I use it in the washing machine instead of fabric softener and the dishwasher instead of a rinse aid.


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