Wednesday, December 4, 2013

10 Secret Underground Locations

If you're anything like me, secrets to you are most compelling mysteries. Everyone has secrets waiting to be discovered. Some are kept hidden for thousands of years, while others are bound to be kept only for minutes. Some of the greatest secrets are not stories but yet places hidden from the rest of the world. There are hidden places all around the earth used for hiding secrets, escape routes, research, government purposes and planning, or simply just to hide. This video below will go through 10 secret underground locations throughout the world. Enjoy. 

1. Codename - Burlington, 35 acre subterranean Cold War city in Wiltshire, UK.
        - Had it's own underground lake and could house 4,000 personnel for 3 months.  

2. Shanghai Tunnels - Legendary tunnels running under Portland, Oregon. 
       - Used for smuggling, trafficking women and kidnapping men for navy service.

3. City of the Gods -15,000 year old metropolis supposedly hidden under the Egyptian Pyramids.
       - Conspiracists believe it was home to a lost civilization.

4. Raven Rock Mountain Complex - A 'Back Up Pentagon' inside a mountain in Pennsylvania.
       - Runs 38 defense communication system and was a hideaway for Dick Cheney during 9/11.

5. Zhitkur Research Laboratory - Deemed to be the 'Russian Area 51' by former employees. 
       - Alleged home of research into UFO's and super-viruses that target certain races.

6. 816 Nuclear Military Plant - Discarded nuclear plant in the world's largest artificial cave in China.
      - Designed to withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake.

7. Balaklava Submarine Base - Soviet submarine base on the Black Sea, built into the side of a mountain.
      - Able to hold 3,000 people and can survive a direct nuclear hit.

8. Tennessee Marijuana Farm - Farm hidden under a house in Tennessee yielding 100LB of weed every 8 weeks.
9. Gaddafi Base - Complex below Tripoli, Libya, with a hospital, food stock supplies, and tunnels large enough for tanks. 
     - Served as an escape route from the city.

10. Metro Two - Reportedly a secret metro system built under Moscow to evacuate leaders from the Kremlin.  
     - Accesible through manhole, it still does not 'officially exist.'

What was your favorite underground location?

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