Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming has been a most exciting topic ever since it was scientifically proven in 1975 by British  parapsychologist, Dr. Keith Hearne and again by Dr. Stephen Laberge in 1983. Yet, lucid dreaming is far from a new phenomenon as it has been dated back thousands of years, when the tibetan monks and ancient egyptians first discovered them. Almost everyone has lucid dreams naturally and occasionally, although some more than others. Lucid dreaming can be defined as being aware and/or know that you are dreaming. The actual level of awareness varies, however.

Lucid dreaming occurs while you are sleeping; it is not meant at all to infringe upon your involvement in the real world. These types of dreams are perfectly natural and healthy. There are different levels one can have while lucid dreaming. With high levels of lucidity you become well aware that you are dreaming, you fear nothing and understand nothing is reality and can do anything that you please. A fully lucid dream is rich, beautiful, and detailed. Sometimes you may even experience greater awareness than you do while you are awake. For example, you can have 360 degree vision, take flight and soar through the clouds, slow down time, become the world's greatest fighter, be with anyone, re-live the past and almost anything else you can think of. In fact the possibilities of lucid dreaming are limitless. All of this becomes possible in lucid dreaming, as it takes place in your mind and in the dream world there are no physical laws. Lucid dreams are just like any other dreams except for the small difference of your knowledge that it is in fact a dream. It has nothing do with the new age, occult practices, spiritualism, and neither can it harm you any more than a regular dream could. Anybody can lucid dream, it just takes time to become really good at it.

Lucid dreaming is not only a fantasy playground, it is a way to interact with your subconscious mind as well. Once you know how to become lucid in dreams an entire new world will open up. You will be able to manipulate your dreams with the power of thought. With self-awareness in your dream world, you can co-create the dream by willfully performing any action you desire within the unconscious dreamscape. You can ask questions and/or give commands, with your subconscious following and answering automatically. Certain examples could be: 

  • Why am I here?
  • What am I destined for?
  • What shall I become?
  • Where shall I travel to?
  • What will life be like in 5 years?
  • Who are my real friends?
  • What can I do to help the world?
The answers may be surprising, and may be spoken directly from a dream character, such as a person, animal, figure, or it could be written in the clouds or on the ground, or may even be beamed directly into your mind.

Now if you are anything like me, about 30 seconds ago you stopped paying attention and you're asking yourself, How do I get started? How do I lucid dream?

HERE is a link to your answer. Open your mind to a whole new universe. 

Each and every single person has the potential to become lucid in dreams, it is up to you and you only to harness that ability however. Lucid dreaming is not hard at all, but it does require your full commitment. Image Image

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