Wednesday, December 4, 2013

10 Surprising Ways To Offend People In Other Countries

Signs and hand gestures are used all around the world on a daily basis, but what they represent sometimes has a completely different meaning in one place than it does in another. In some places a 'Thumbs Up' means you approve or like something. Yet in places like Iran and countries in the middle east it means 'Up yours' similar to the middle finger in western nations. This is just one of many examples of the differences between signals used across the earth. It's best to not use signals or say things you are used to, if you are in a foreign place, as you do not know the trouble it could bring. Here is a video with a list of the top 10 surprising ways to offend people in different countries. Enjoy.

Here is a list of all the surprising ways to offend people in different countries from the video above.

10. Thumbs Up= Up yours, in Iran and middle east countries

9. In Japan putting someones business card in your pocket can cause great offense, handle it with care.

8. Making a statement such as "I love your couch" in arab and african countries make your host feel awkwardly obligated to give you the item..

7. When drinking in Japan, it is impolite to fill your own glass, instead you should fill the glass of the person beside you.

6. In Muslim countries and India it is very rude to use your left hand when eating. This is because the left hand is reserved for bathroom duty. 

5. If you're going to a dinner party in Argentina, make sure to be about an hour late as it's a sign of greed to be punctual.

4. Slurping your soup is considered impolite in western cultures, but in Japan it is good manners and shows you're enjoying the food. 

3. Simply smiling at someone in Korea is an insult. Smiling at a stranger indicates you think they are stupid.

2. The "Okay Sign" (connecting your thumb to index finger) is very rude in Brazil and Turkey. It signifies the similar shape of the butt in their culture. 

1. Beckoning someone with your index finger in the Philippines, is meant for only dogs and is punishable by arrest.

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