Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Mother Saves Son From Cancer with Cannabis instead of Chemo

Sierra Riddle, mother of 3 year old son Landon, saved her little boy by using cannabis treatments instead of chemotherapy. The 3 year old boy was instructed by doctors to undergo chemotherapy for his leukemia while living in Utah. The Chemotherapy made Landon extremely ill to the point where Sierra could not just stand by and watch her son suffer. The aggressive chemotherapy and radiation caused nerve damage in Landon's legs, alongside nausea that had him throwing up multiple times a day and go days without eating. He stayed on Liquid Morphine, Ativan and Promethazine all hours of the day. After a short while Sierra looked into medical marijuana treatments, which ended up being the healthy decision and the right choice. Sierra moved Landon and her family to Colorado Springs, CO where medical marijuana is legal. She put Landon on liquid treatments of both Cannabidiol, or CBD and Tetrahyrdocannabinol,  otherwise known as THC, the main ingredient in Marijuana. "Within four weeks we could see improvement" stated Sierra.

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