Thursday, December 5, 2013

Wall Street Story No Main Stream Media Would Cover…

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Here is the short easy to understand story:

In the beginning of 2013, Blackstone affiliate GSO Capital Partners purchased debt and credit default swaps in a company called Codere SA, a listed Spanish company that operates betting parlors, online gambling sites and other gaming activities. GSO and another firm later purchased a €100 bank loan (via secondary markets) that Codere already had on the books, and then convinced Codere to delay repayment on the debt related to the aforementioned credit default swaps by giving them a loan of 100 Million dollars with the terms that they would pay their other loan late. Codere paid two days late which triggered the CDS, resulting in upwards of $18.7 million in profit for GSO. Not only did this story not get covered by local media or any financial news, it is also legal! This is just one of the many stories of corrupt Wall Street, and their shady dealings. So in short a company essentially paid another company to not pay their loan on time so that they could profit from the insurance company when the loan was not paid on time. Doesn’t this make you wonder what else the media hides from you? What is really going on in this country, in Wall Street in our government? Think about this story next time you watch the news or read the paper, and I hope you realize what a joke it is. 


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