Wednesday, December 4, 2013

10 Amazing Underwater Ruins

Ever since the beginning of time, things have been created and things have been destroyed. Cities have been built and cities have been demolished. There are places in the world that were captured by the sea and forever lost underwater. Only to remain there for the rest of time. All that is left of them is the ruins that lie within the sea's water. Here are 10 amazing underwater ruins of cities across the world.

1. Cleopatra's Palace, Egypt

2. Mulifanua, Samoa

3. Port Royal, Jamaica

4. Mahabalipuram, India

5. Herakleion, Egypt

6. Aungholt, Denmark

7. Helike, Greece

8. Baiae, Italy

9. Tonaguni, Japan

10. Atlit-Yam, Israel

There may be many more underwater cities lying in ruins across this earth, we just haven't found them yet.

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