Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Americans Killed By Police Officers Now Outnumber Americans Killed In Iraq War

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Police brutality is a major issue in the U.S this past decade. It's quite upsetting as the main slogan that is supposed to represent the police is "Protect and Serve." It's actually a little frightening because a majority of the cops abusing there power barely and rarely get punished for there actions.  Although not all cops are going beyond their limits, the police force in America is getting worse and worse each day. In the last decade alone 5,000 civilians have been murdered by cops! The number of soldiers killed in Iraq is less than that with a total count of 4,489. 

If we look at the most recent numbers of non-military US citizens killed by terrorism worldwide, that number is 17. You have a better chance of being killed by a bee sting, or a home repair accident than you do a terrorist. And you are 29 times more likely to be murdered by a cop than a terrorist!

500 Americans each year are being killed by police enforcement and it needs to STOP! If we all come together and make a stand we can fight this. We deserve our freedom and shouldn't be worrying about out of control cops who think they are above the law.

Here is a short film on police brutality called RELEASE US.

I would really enjoy to hear your opinion on police brutality. Please leave a comment and share. It's time that we fight back!




  1. this is horrifying, if similar thing happens in another country the american powers that be would shout and scream about human rights

  2. Can you put this into context. out of the 500 killed how many many had weapons or threatened police or others with harm ? how many were simply in the wrong place ect

    1. ya right

    2. Dieter Why is a police officers life worth more than mine or yours for that matter? Soon the people will start fighting back.There is an awakening happening, a revolution being fought right now. The establishments answer to the awakening is the NWO.Do your own research. .

  3. This is a growing epidemic . I was assaulted by an officer who grab the lapel of my shirt and stated he was going to let his dog maul me . I was just sitting in my truck at the time, he didn't ask for Id or anything. He walked up to window made a motion to roll it down then reached in grabbed my keys and threw them, then opened my door and did the above. Being a FF/ Paramedic for 20 years I had worked along side many officers and had a respect for them . The actions of this officer and others since has changed that. By they way I was disabled at the time and would never have even thought about being nothing but compliant. This officer also falsified evidence and filed a fraudulent report. They do think they are above the law now. I filed a complaint with the department and the state attorney general yet nothing was done. The DA refused to even let me in to the office to discuss the matter. We are letting police, police themselves and it is not working.

    1. Since i see so many testimony and video of people like you, i roll down my window only a few inches. Even more carefull since i saw a youtube video of a cop throwing a dog through a suspect window car.

  4. My bigger concern is with the things that police do as civilians that doesnt get reported because they dont believe what has happened to them will be heard

  5. One of the main reasons I moved to Sweden. I was sick of being constantly harassed by the police. They act like we're all criminals/prisoners, and we are under their control or something. Now I live here in Malmo and I haven't had a single problem with the police harassing me, they don't even look in my direction. FTP

  6. www.Copscaughtonvideo.com is now live to bring accountability to those rogue law breaking cops

  7. I'm interested in learning more. Is there any way you could please post some primary or even secondary sources for this? I'd appreciate it. I work in a hospital and deal with this complicated reality frequently.
