Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Top 10 Secret Organizations

Since the beginning of time, there have been rumors of secret organizations taking place all over the world. Gatherings of individuals, to discuss manners and worship in their beliefs. Rumors of countless cults have been spread and some proven to exist. Secret organizations have always been a mysterious topic and a most interesting one at that. Here is a list of the top ten secret organizations that we know about to date. Enjoy.

10.  Opus Dei- Catholic group with powerful religious and political connections. Supposedly to have over 85,000 members.

9. Ordo Templi Orientis- Mystical movement based on the spiritual philosophy of Thelma. Strong connections to the occult.

8. The Knights Templar- Christian military order destroyed (or so they say) due to it's secret rituals and power.

7. Ku Klux Klan- White supremacist group known for extreme violence. Said to of had 4 million members at the height of it's power.

6. Beati Paoli- Shadowy medieval sect of sicilians who fought for the poor. Their existence is disputed but modern mafias trace their origins to the group.

5. Majestic-12- U.S organization set up by President Truman to study the Roswell spacecraft. Documents and the existence of Majestic-12 have been reported bogus by the FBI. (Yea OK....)

4. Freemasons- Historically occupied political positions and are thought to wield undue power over legal systems. Six million members worldwide and exists today.

3. Thule Society- A german occultist society with strong links to Nazism.

2. The Illuminati- An 18th century sect still existing today with extreme power over the world. Seeks to control public opinion, world leaders and the economy.

1. The Bilderberg Group- An annual meeting of the world's political and financial elite. Believed to be changing the world's future.

Which secret organization interests you the most?

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